Easy Fingerless Mitts - revised Dec 7/19

5.5 mm hook
5 mm hook
worsted weight yarn - fits most average hands. If you use larger yarn, then use 5.5 mm hook and 6 mm hook for larger size. (*SPECIAL NOTE ABOUT ARM HOLE: If you want a wider arm hole, then make starting chain with a 6 mm hook. And next round use the 5.5 mm hook. You would be using 3 hooks for this project in that case.)

Project is worked in rounds until the thumb hole

Using large hook - ch 30, ss to join and make circle. (Make sure circle is not twisted
Next round (5.5 mm hook): 30 HDC in each ch around, ss to join, ch 1 (do not turn) (30 sts)

Switch to 5 mm hook
Next round: HDC in each st around, decreasing 2 sts evenly around (28 sts), ss to join, ch 1
Next round: HDC in each st around, ss to join, ch 1
Repeat last round until you have a total of 12 rounds completed (including the round made with the large hook and 30 HDC)

Thumb hole:
(*SPECIAL NOTE RE: THUMB HOLE - If you are using 2 different colours, then you need to carry the colour of the previous row in the back of each st around so that it will be available on the next row. Switch the colour you carry in the back for each row.)
Round 13: HDC 2tog, hdc around to last 2 sts, hdc 2tog (26 sts), do not join, ch 1, turn
Round 14: repeat round 13 (24 sts), do not join, ch 1, turn
Round 15: HDC in each 24 sts, do not join, ch 1, turn
Round 16: repeat round 15
Round 17: (increase round) HDC x 2 in 1st st, hdc around until last st, hdc x 2 in last stitch (26 sts), ss to join, ch 1, do not turn and work in round (stop carrying the other colour behind the stitches on this round)
Round 18: HDC in each st around (26st), ss to join, ch 1 (you might need to remove your hook and insert it again because you are not turning in this round)
Round 19: repeat round 18
Round 20: HDC in each st around decreasing 2 sts evenly (24 sts), ss to join, ch 1
Round 21: HDC in each st around (24 sts), ss to join, finish

Do HDC shell around opening using 7 hdc in each shell, start by ss in 1st st, *sk 1 st, shell in next, sk 1 st, ss in next*, repeat from * to * around. You should end with a completed shell and ss to 1st ss made on this round. There should be 6 completed shell on finger opening. Finish

Do HDC shell around arm opening (on 1st round) using same method and using larger hook. (SPECIAL NOTE ABOUT ARM HOLE: If you use the 6 mm hook to make the 30 ch, it means that the few extra stitches on this round are more noticeable and the last shell not being perfectly next to the starting shell shows up more. It is easy to hide a few stitches evenly around by skipping an extra stitch before *ss to join* after making a shell. So, to hide these stitches It would be: "sk 1, 7 hdc shell in next, sk 2, ss in next st" every so often and then the final shell lines up closer to the starting shell, and the arm hole still retains it stretch.)

To put a trim around the thumb opening, using a hanging sc - sc in 1st st at bottom of one side of thumb hole and sc 8 sts evenly across one side of thumb opening, 1 sc, in centre of opening at top, 8 sc evenly down the other side, sc in bottom of opening, ss to 1st sc. (Total of 18 sc around thumb)


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