Fingerless Mitt with glove pattern

Fingerless Gloves/Mitt Pattern

Supplies: Worsted weight yarn (less than one 200g skein) Remember the yarn density will determine size a bit in this pattern, so adjust the hooks if you want the mitt to go bigger or smaller.

Hook size (for this pattern): 5mm and 5.5mm

Cuff (Ribbing) Ch 13

Row 1: 1 sc in 2nd and each chain across( 12 sts), ch 1 turn

Row 2: 1 sc in back loop of each chain across (12 sts), ch 1 turn

Row 3-25: Repeat row 2

Row 26: Fold cuff so row 1 is behind row 25. Slip stitch through both to join (12 ss), ch 1 turn (do not finish off yarn)

Turn cuff inside out (right side) Pattern is worked in rounds, not rows.

Rnd 1: make 26 sc around cuff.

Rnd 2: 1 sc in each, ss to join (26sts), ch 1 (do not turn)

Rnd 3: 1 sc in 12 sc, 2 sc in next 2, 1 sc in 12 sc (28sts), ch 1 (do not turn)

Rnd 4: 1 sc in 12 sc, 2sc in next sc, sc in next 2sc, 2sc in next sc, 12 sc in next 12 sc (30 sts), ch 1 (do not turn)

Rnd5: 1 sc in 12 sc, 2 sc in next sc, sc in next 4 sc, 2sc in next sc, 12 sc in next 12 sc (32 sts), ch 1 (do not turn)

Rnd 6: 1 sc in 12 sc, 2 sc in next sc, sc in next 6 sc, 2 sc in next sc, 12 sc in next 12 sc (34 sts), ch 1 (do not turn)

Rnd 7: 1 sc in 12 sc, 2 sc in next sc, sc in next 8 sc, 2sc in next sc, 12 sc in next 12 sc (36 sts), ch 1 (do not turn)

Rnd 8: 1 sc in 12 sc, 2 sc in next sc, sc in next 10 sc, 2sc in next sc, 12 sc in next 12 sc (38 sts), ch 1 (do not turn)

Thumb; sc in next 25 sc. Beginning with last sc count back 12 sc, ss to join making a circle of 12 sc, ch 1 (do not turn)

Rnd 1: sc in 12 sc around, ss to first sc to join, ch 1 (do not turn)

Rnd 2-7: repeat rnd 1

Rnd 8: Sc 2 together x 6, ss to join. Finish off yarn.

Palm: Pick up st in 1st st at base of thumb in first unfinished st of previous round used to start thumb (remember round was 38 sts and only 25 sc was used to make thumb). If you press the mitt flat you will see that the back of the row seems higher than the front. This is the 13 unfinished sts from thumb round. SC in these 13 sts.

ss to join to first sc of thumb round. ch1 (do not turn) 

Rnd 1: sc in next 13 sts, pick up 2 sc at base of thumb, sc in next 13 sts (28sts), ss to 1st sc to join, ch 1 (do not turn)

Rnd 2: sc in next 12 sts, sc next 2 tog x 2, sc in next 12 sc (26sts) ch 1 (do not turn)

Rnd 3-8: Sc in 26 sts around, ss to 1st to join, ch 1 (do not turn)

Index Finger: sc in next 17 sc, ch 2, starting at last sc count back 8 sc, ss to join, ch1 (do not turn)

Rnd 1: sc in next 8 sc, sc in 2 ch, ss to join (10 sts), ch 1 (do not turn)

Rnd 2: sc in 10 sts around, ch1 (do not turn), fasten off at end of rnd.

Middle Finger: Pick up and sc in 1st st beside index finger, sc in next 2 sc, ch 2, count back 3 sc on other side of finger and sc in each, pick 2 and sc 2 at base of index finger,(10sts) ss to join, ch 1 (do not turn)

Rnd 1: sc in next 3 sc, sc in 2 ch sts, sc in next 3, sc in 2 at base of index finger (10 sts), ss to join to 1st sc, ch 1 (do not turn)

Rnd 2: sc in 10 sts around. Fasten and finish off.

Ring finger: Repeat start of middle finger, only use middle finger as start.
Rnd 1: Repeat rnd 1 for middle finger
Rnd 2: Repeat rnd 2 for middle finger

Baby Finger: Pick up and sc in 1st sc after ring finger, sc in next 6 sc around, pick and sc in 2 sc at base of ring finger (8sts), ss to join to 1st sc, ch 1 (do not turn)
Rnd 1-2: Sc in 8 sts around. Finish off at end of rnd 2.

Finish off all lose ends by turning mitt inside out and weaving them through back of mitt. Turn mitt back to right-side out.
Mitten top: Use a hook 1 size bigger (if you are using a 5 mm hook for the mitt then use a 5.5 mm hook for the mitten top) Find a round mid-way between the thumb and base of index finger (usually about 4 rounds below start of index finger). Insert hook at pick up a loop, sc in same st and 14 sts across back of mitt. Ch 16 and ss to join to first sc on back of mitt. (30 sts). This can be a judgement call. If you have only sc 13 sts on the back of the mitt then chain 17 sts. You want 30 sts no matter how many you start with.

Rnd 1: sc in 14 sts, sc in 17 ch, sc to join, ch 1 (do not turn)

Rnd 2-8: sc in 30 sts around, ss to join, ch 1 (do not turn)

Rnd 9: sc 2tog, sc in next 13 sts, sc 2tog, sc in next 13 sts, ss to join, ch 1 (do not turn) (28sts)

Rnd 10: sc 2tog, sc in next 12 sts, sc 2tog, sc in next 12 sts, ss to join ch 1 (do not turn) (26 sts)

Rnd 11: sc in 26 sts around, ss to join to 1st sc, ch 1 (do not turn)

Rnd 12: sc 2tog, sc in next 11 sts, sc 2 tog, sc in next 11 sts, ss to join, ch 1 ( do not turn) 24 sts

Rnd 13: sc in next 24 sts, ss to join to 1st sc, ch 1 (do not turn)

Rnd 14: sc 2tog, sc in next 10 sts, sc 2tog, sc in next 10 sts, ss to join, ch 1 (do not turn) 22 sts

Rnd 15: sc 2tog, sc in next 9 sts, sc 2tog, sc in next 9 sc, ss to join, ch 1 (do not turn) 20 sts

(Go back to smaller hook for last two rounds.)
Rnd 16: sc 2 tog x 10 
Rnd 17: sc 2tog x 5, ss to join. Finish off
Repeat this for 2nd mitt but remember to put the mitten top of the other side of the mitt so you will have a left and right mitt when finished.

The hat pattern in photo 1 and 2 is called Brain Waves and is available as a free Ravelry download by Liz McQueen at this link:

The hat in photo 3 is Gotcha Covered and can be found at Purple Kitty through this link:


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